Monthly Archives: July 2015

There is no rule on how to write

There is no rule on how to write

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James Patterson … the works!

James Patterson … the works!


James Patterson is the richest author in the world. His books have sold in excess of 320 million copies. He is the first person to sell more than 1 million ebooks. His notable works include The Alex Cross series, the Women’s Murder Club series, the Middle School series, the Michael Bennett series, the Maximum Ride series and the Private series.   


Patterson was born in Newburgh, New York in 1947. He graduated with an MA in English from Vanderbilt University. He quit his advertising job in 1996 to dedicate himself wholeheartedly into writing novels.


He holds the New York Times record and the Guinness World Record for selling the highest number of hard-cover titles by a single author. It is said that currently one in every 17 best-selling fictional works belongs to James Patterson. In recent years his novels have sold more copies than those of Stephen King,John Grisham and Dan Brown combined. 


Patterson works with a variety of co-authors, 0such as Maxine Paetro, Andrew Gross, Mark Sullivan, Ashwin Sanghi, Michael Ledwidge, and Peter De Jonge and has often said that collaborating with others brings new and interesting ideas to his stories. Of his process, he says “he is simply more proficient at dreaming up plots than crafting sentence after sentence.” He has been criticized for not actually writing many of the novels under his name, and for being more of a brand that focuses on making money than an artist who focuses on his craft. Whatever he does … it works very well.


 So, how does the writing-dynamo that is James Patterson go about plying his trade routine-wise ?  Well, in a nutshell …

‘Get into a writing routine. The trick is making writing into a daily habit. Same time. Same place. Same hot beverage of choice. Every. Single. Day. Again. And. Again.’  (James Patterson)


James Patterson’s Office at his home in Palm Beach.

In a 2014 interview for the Daily Beast he was asked to describe his morning routine. 

I pretty much write seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. I’ll get up around 5:30, put my house in order, write a little bit, maybe an outline for that day. Then I’ll go out around 7, frequently walk a golf course for an hour by myself. Then I’ll come back and write until, oh, 11 or 12. 

I write in pencil, for one thing. I don’t use a computer. That’s the craziest thing. I’m sitting here looking at three or four things on my desk, all written in pencil, and I have an assistant who will type up pages, or I’ll dictate over the phone. I drink a fair amount of orange soda. I find myself chewing bubble gum at least once a day. I was chewing just before we began to speak, in fact! I never get writer’s block, because I always have a good dozen projects that I’m working on, so if something isn’t working I’ll just switch gears.



  1. Daily Beast interview 2014
  2. James Patterson Website
  3. Tales of Success

Bic Biro is back in … ROLLERBALL!

Bic Biro is back in … ROLLERBALL!








It is late afternoon and Bic Biro, licensed to write, has been summoned to M’s office in the heart of MI6’s stationery department in London. Miss Olivetti, ‘M’s attractive secretary, looks up from her typing and smiles.

Hi Bic. Go on through. He’s expecting you. 

‘M’ is looking worried.


Biro07. I have an important assignment for you. The nation’s fate may well rest in your hands.

‘M’ ?

Our communications section has just received an email from BLOT. They have stolen an atomic bomb. They are threatening to launch the bomb at a major city in the United Kingdom unless we give them £20 billion  pounds and Kate Upton’s phone number.


So you want me to ring Kate and see if she’s up for it ?

You mean, you know Kate Upton !?

Well, we’ve certainly shared some quality time together.


Oh for heaven’s sake Biro07 !

And you also want me to save London ?

They haven’t mentioned London specifically.

So you don’t want me to save London ?

Shut up, Biro07 and listen!

Yes ‘M’

We have reliable intelligence that a BLOT sleeper agent has just started operating from a Chinese takeaway in Tooting. His name is Mr Wong. You need to pay him a visit and find out where the bomb is located and what the target is. I am sure I don’t have to remind you of the gravity of the situation. Do whatever it takes.


I may have to order a meal.

Whatever it takes, Biro07. To hell with the expense.

And if I find out that the target is NOT London … do you still want me to bother ?

Oh for God’s sake, Biro07. 

Just my little joke ‘M’. To relieve the tension. I’ll be off then.

Good luck Biro07. Britain is depending on you.

Thank you ‘M’. I’ll do my best.

And er … Biro07.

‘M’ ?

Could you just tell me Miss Upton’s phone number if you don’t mind. Just in case you don’t make it back.

Certainly ‘M’. It’s ….

… to be continued

Don’t fail to have a Writing Routine …

Don’t fail to have a Writing Routine

I’m doing some research into the writing habits of the wildly prolific American author, James Patterson. He is to be the subject of an upcoming post on Routine Matters. I just want to share a couple of snippets in advance with you. 


 Get into a writing routine. The trick is making writing into a daily habit. Same time. Same place. Same hot beverage of choice. Every. Single. Day. Again. And. Again. 

James Patterson


Do you have a writing routine ? Do you agree or disagree with James Patterson about having a writing routine ?  I’d really value your comments about this. All the very best. Kris.

John le Carré … in from the cold

John le Carré in from the cold


British author John le Carré was born in 1931. After being educated at the Universities of Bern and Oxford, he went on to teach at Eton before becoming an MI5 officer. In 1960, he was transferred to MI6, the foreign intelligence service, and worked under “Second Secretary” cover in the British Embassy at Bonn. 


It was during this period that he discovered his passion for writing, publishing Call for the Dead in 1961 and A Murder of Quality in 1962 before writing what is largely considered to be one of the great novels of the twentieth century, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. The novel launched his career and in 1964, le Carré left the service to devote himself to writing.


In 1979, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy was adapted for BBC TV as a seven part series starring Alec Guinness. The BBC later adapted Smiley’s People for TV in 1982, also starring Alec Guinness as George Smiley.Several of le Carré’s novels have been adapted for the cinema including The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1965) The Tailor of Panama (2001) ; The Constant Gardener (2005) and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011) .


In 1996, John le Carré  was interviewed in the Paris Review – The Art of Fiction. During the early days of his writing career he had a long train-journey to and from his work.

In those days English newspapers were much too big to read on the train, so instead of fighting with my colleagues for the Times, I would write in little notebooks. I lived a long way out of London. The line has since been electrified, which is a great loss to literature. In those days it was an hour and a half each way. To give the best of the day to your work is most important. So if I could write for an hour and a half on the train, I was already completely jaded by the time I got to the office to start work. And then there was a resurgence of talent during the lunch hour. In the evening something again came back to me. I was always very careful to give my country second-best.


He was also asked about his working day when he became a full-time writer.

Well, I still don’t type. I write by hand, and my wife types everything up, endlessly, repeatedly. I correct by hand too. I am an absolute monk about my work. It’s like being an athlete: you have to find out which are the best hours of the day. I’m a morning person. I like to drink in the evening, go to sleep on a good idea and wake up with the idea solved or advanced. I believe in sleep. And I go straight to work, often very early. If a book’s getting to the end of its run, I’ll start at four-thirty or five o’clock in the morning and go through to lunchtime. In the afternoon I’ll take a walk, and then, over a scotch, take a look at what Jane’s typed out, and fiddle with it a bit more. But I always try to go to sleep before I finish working, just a little bit before. Then I know where I’ll go the next morning, but I won’t quite know what I am going to do when I go. And then in the morning it seems to deliver the answer.


When it’s going well it goes terribly fast. It isn’t at all surprising to write a chapter in a day, which for me is about twenty-two pages. When it’s going badly, it isn’t really going badly; it’s just the beginning. The first page and the first chapter are a matter of endless fiddling, cutting out all the good bits, putting in a whole lot of verbiage. Actually, it’s my only way of thinking. Without a pen in my hand I can’t think. 


John le Carré near his Cornwall home. Photograph: Adrian Sherratt /Rex Features

For the last few years I have lived only in the deep country. I’ve always kept away from writers and the literary set. I’d much rather talk to the woodcutter than a fellow writer. I like the primary material. I don’t like exchanging ideas much. I don’t like talking about my work, believe it or not. I’m a total bore, actually.  

John le Carré s Website

Full Paris Review article

The Beacon Blogger Award …

The Beacon Blogger Award


The Beacon Blogger Award goes to people who naturally just seem to shine out.

Simple as that … 


  • Acknowledge the person who gifted it to you.
  • Pass it on to one or two folk of your choice.
  • If you’re not an awards person then consider it a gift.
  • Whatever you do … KEEP SHINING.
  • All done.

I have great pleasure in giving the Beacon Blogger Award  to

Erika Kind

Secret Diary of PorterGirl—AVAILABLE NOW!

Harper Lee … Never too Late

Harper Lee … Never too Late


Harper Lee

Harper Lee is an American writer, famous for her race relations novel To Kill a Mockingbird, which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1961. The book became an international bestseller and has become a classic of modern American literature. 


Harper Lee was just 34 old when To Kill a Mockingbird was first published and it remained her only published novel until a second novel Go Set a Watchman was published in July 2015 at the age of 88. She was a close friend of author Truman Capote.



Next Up: Go Set A Watchman

101 Books

Wait a minute…what?

Yes, that’s Harper Lee’s newest novel released two days ago.

No, it’s obviously not on the list of All-Time novels released in 2005.

Yes, I’ll be temporarily pushing the pause button on reading the Time list to focus on Go Set a Watchman.


View original post 288 more words

BOND versus BIRO … a verdict is announced

BOND versus BIRO … a verdict is announced

Well, the Greeks have had their referendum result and hopefully everything will be soon be sorted out. And now there is just the small matter of announcing your verdict concerning JAMES BOND & BIC BIRO.

Who do you think has the greatest sex-appeal ?


Bic Biro received THREE VOTES


James Bond received ZERO VOTES

After 6 recounts I hereby declare Bic Biro the winner.

I telephoned Bic with the news on set at Pinewood Studios where he is currently filming Rollerball. As well  as thanking his loyal fans for their overwhelming show of support, he also added …

This is a victory, not just for me, but for biros everywhere.

 James Bond himself  had this to say when informed of the result …

Bic Biro is one of my all-time heroes. Coming second to him is a singular honour.